Friday, February 4, 2011

Info from Ashleigh regarding e-support technologies

Hi All, sorry I've been absent but I've been sick for the past few days. Here is a summary of the info I recieved from Ashleigh:
-        Ning is a website that allows you to create your own social website (similar idea to facebook and it is user friendly for patients familiar with Facebook platform). Pricing & info here:
o   The group on Twitter agreed that it would be a good resource to look into.
-        What about BBS (BulletinBoard Systems)? This technology isn’t “new” but it has been proven to work in this capacity.
o   This stands for Bulletin Board System (
o   Search for “open source” BBS systems as these will be free.
o   There was discussion about whether or not you would need the forum to be moderated by an “expert”
§  Some said yes but others said that it can be led based on patient involvement/input.
§  Some moderation is important to ensure “trolls” are kept out. (Here is the description of a troll:
-        Check out a group online called: which is very active using twitter
- is an online community for cancer survivors- hosted through PMH
-        Other suggested sites to look at:

-        A Special Interest Group SIG or electronic Community of Practice (eCoP) could:
o   Set up an email based e-network for sharing news, ideas, tools, relevant literature, asking for help and feedback on project ideas and other documents such as organizational policies.
o   Organize online events such as Webinars and Twitter chats 
o   Share a group blog to share ideas.
o   Share contact details and interests so people could make contact with each other for small group professional conversations using e-media and perhaps Skype.
o   Organize face to face events and meet-up perhaps in conjunction with significant Public Health and Health Promotion conferences.
o   Develop position and discussion papers on key issues.
-        Igloo is a Canadian social network that typically charges but also allows free access for not for profit agencies ( the barriers to this are that you can only have up to 25 users in this account. If you want more than 25 people, the pricing increases tremendously.
- is another FREE social networking site creator
-        This website gives a list of different free social networking software:
-        Skype could be used if you want video or audio features.

That's all I have for now, Jessica :)

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